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Internal Affairs Unit


Professional Standards / Internal Affairs

The Office of Professional Standards is responsible for receiving and processing internal affairs investigations that involve allegations of misconduct made against members of our agency. The Office of Professional Standards ensures that allegations made against members of the Cinnaminson Police Department are thoroughly and objectively investigated to their logical conclusion.

Members of the Cinnaminson Police Department are dedicated professionals who strive to create an atmosphere of consideration and cooperation within our community.

We take any matter regarding our personnel seriously. If you feel at any time that a member of this department has acted in a manner that you feel is improper, you are encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of any supervisor on duty by calling Central Dispatch at: 856-829-6666. Advise Central Dispatch that you would like to speak with the on-duty supervisor. The on-duty supervisor will either call you or meet you in person (whichever you prefer) in order to assist you in resolving your complaint.

Complaints may be made in person, by telephone, by letter, or by e-mail. If internal affairs personnel are not available to accept the complaint, supervisory personnel will accept the complaint. If no supervisory personnel are available, complaints will be accepted by any law enforcement officer. At no time will a complainant be told to return at a later time to file his report.

If you feel that your complaint requires additional attention, you are encouraged to bring the matter directly to our Professional Standards Bureau Supervisor, Roy Wagner at 856-735-2355 or by e-mail: [email protected].

You may also file a written complaint at any time at Cinnaminson Police Headquarters.

Internal Affairs Complaint Forms